Agartala: Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha on Wednesday said he tested positive for COVID-19. Saha, who also holds the health portfolio, urged people who have come in contact with him to take necessary precautions.
"I have been tested COVID-19 positive today. I am absolutely fit and fine with no symptoms. I humbly request all those who've come in contact with me to take necessary precautions," Saha said in a Facebook post. Earlier in the day, he inaugurated an oxygen plant at IGM Hospital. Several senior officials were also present on the occasion.
Saha said his government is in the process of making it mandatory for everyone to wear mask in public in the wake of rising number of cases in the northeastern state. He urged everyone to maintain COVID-appropriate behaviour including wearing masks, maintaining physical distance and using sanitiser. Tripura logged 365 fresh coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, but no fresh fatality was reported. The state now has 1,906 active cases.
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The state had reported 477 cases on the previous day. The daily positivity rate declined from 12.49 per cent to 10.86 per cent. West Tripura district, of which Agartala is a part, registered around half of the total number of cases logged in the state since July 1. (PTI)