Agartala (Tripura): The Tripura police detained three Nigerian nationals from the Konaban area, a bordering village under the Madhupur Police Station limits in the Sepahijala district of Tripura on Monday. According to sources, officials of the Customs Department based on a tip-off detained three Nigerian nationals when they were en route to Bangladesh by crossing the international border illegally through the Konaban area. They were arrested and brought to Madhupur Police Station.
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During the preliminary interrogation, they revealed that they came here to cross the border to enter the neighbouring country. However, an auto driver, who was reportedly helping them, has absconded from the spot. Soon after receiving the information, the sub-divisional police officer of Bishalgarh and various investigating officers rushed to the police station to interrogate them. After not finding the driver of the auto, the police arrested the owner of the auto and took him to the Madhupur Police Station. Police said that they will produce them before the court.