Hyderabad: The police will report to the court that two of the minors, who gang-raped a girl in Jubilee Hills, became majors two days ago. Along with them, two other minors will be asked to be considered as majors. It may be recalled that a girl was gang-raped at Jubilee Hills in Hyderabad in a car by four minors, including Saduddin, who took her to a deserted area on May 28 this year.
At the time of the incident, two of the four minors were less than 18 years by one-and-a-half months and two months, so the police named them minors. As two months have passed since the incident, both of them have turned 18 and will be produced before the court. Saduddin Malik (18), who was arrested in this incident, has been granted bail. Nampally 12th MSJ court granted him bail and he was released from jail on Wednesday, police said.
Also Read: 350-page charge sheet filed in Jubilee hills minor girl gang rape case
Deleting images and videos from a YouTube channel: The girl's parents are worried that even two months after the rape incident, pictures and videos of the victim and the accused are still appearing on social media. In this backdrop, the police filed a cybercrime complaint and summoned the YouTube channel reporter from the Old City and deleted the videos and pictures posted by him on social media.