Tirupati: Two devotees, one hailing from Tamil Nadu and the other from Telangana, have separately made a total donation of Rs 2.62 crore at the shrine of Lord Venkateswara at Tirumala here on the occasion of auspicious Vaikunta Ekadasi today, a temple official said.
Of this total donation, TTD Board Member and AIADMK MLA R Kumaraguru have made an offering of Rs 1 crore. He has requested the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) that governs the hill temple to utilize the fund for the construction of a Lord Venkateswara Swamy temple in his Ulundurpettai constituency in Tamil Nadu, a temple official said, adding that he had already offered five acres for the purpose.
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Indra Kumar, a devotee from Hyderabad, has donated Rs 1.62 crore with a request to TTD to use Rs 1.08 crore for the TTD-run Vidyadaana Trust meant for education for the poor and the rest of the money for Praanadaana Trust meant for the poor''s healthcare, the official said.
They have separately handed over the DDs for the amounts to TTD Board Chairman YV Subba Reddy and Executive Officer KS Jawahar Reddy at the hill temple this morning, the official added.