Mumbai: Veteran singer Asha Bhosle has shared an old video from the Asian Athletics Championship held earlier this year and wished hurdler Jyothi Yaraaji for winning gold at the ongoing Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. Athletics events have not yet commenced at the Asian Games. However, Asha Bhosle took to X, formerly Twitter where she shared a video from the Asian Athletics Championship held earlier this year in Bangkok.
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She shared a video of Jyothi Yarraji, but the video was of a completely different competition. The athlete won the title in the 400m at the U-20 Athletics World Championship held in Finland in 2018. It was Yarraji's maiden finish at the top of the podium in a key international event. The 23-year-old has proved her skills with performance claiming a national record of 12.82 seconds. The legendary singer was later forced to delete the video after being spotted by the spectators for her error. Sharing the video, Asha Bhosle tweeted “Heartiest congratulations to Yaraaji from Andhra Pradesh for winning the Gold for 100mts hurdles at the Asian Games. Notably, athletics events are yet to start in the Asian Games.
Not only Asha Bhosle but also Gautam Gambhir and VVS Laxman fell victim to false information. Laxman did mention the correct event, but he also felt that the Indian athlete had claimed gold in the ongoing Asian Games. Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, Gautam Gambhir wrote 'This gold medal is a true testament that dreams come true irrespective of circumstances. Way to go Jyothi Jyothi Yarraji."
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