Mumbai: Kolkata Knight Riders batter Ajinkya Rahane has been ruled out of the remainder of the IPL, owing to a hamstring injury, the franchise said on Tuesday. In an official announcement posted on its Twitter handle, KKR said, "Ajinkya Rahane is going to miss the remaining games of #IPL2022 due to a hamstring injury. Wish you a speedy recovery @ajinkyarahane88. The knights camp will miss you."
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Rahane had undergone scans, which revealed that he had torn his tendon. In a video posted in the same tweet, Rahane said, "I really enjoyed my time on and off the field with everyone. (I) Learnt a lot as a cricketer; about life; about everything. I will definitely come back stronger next year and I am sure we will do well as a team in the next game and hopefully we will go to Kolkata and the play-offs."
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Kolkata will take on Lucknow Super Giants in their final league match at the DY Patil stadium in Navi Mumbai. With seven losses and six wins, KKR are placed at the sixth spot with 12 points and they will not only have to win but do it with a big margin and then hope that other results go their way to salvage any hope of sneaking into the knockout stage.