Mumbai: Actor Karan Kundrra recently shared a picture with his Kitani Mohabbat Hai co-stars Kritika Kamra and Pooja Gor. Apart from all the praises, his post also got an absurd comment from one user, who tried to troll him by calling him a lady.
"3 ladies," the user commented.
Karan had a sharp retort: "Yes, brother and I have no problem with you calling me that. In fact, I will be proud. The most powerful thing to do in this world is to be a lady. I'm sure your mum and your sisters are proud of you."
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Karan actually made the post in order to make an announcement about his live session with Kritika on Instagram on Monday.
He wrote: "Due to heavy demand and some death threats me and @kkamra are going live on Instagram tonight at 6 pm oh and gujju @poojagor will be available in the comments #kitanimohabbathai."
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Kritika and Karan became household names with their roles of Arohi and Arjun in Ekta Kapoor's show Kitani Mohabbat Hai. The two have also dated for a while in the past.
With inputs from IANS.