Mumbai: Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan's online chat show Koki Poochega is gaining popularity among his fans and on the third episode, the actor reaches out to Madhya Pradesh police personnel Madhurveena. Kartik says the interaction is quite insightful, as it gives an idea about how the police force stays safe despite stepping out of their homes in these hazardous times of COVID-19 pandemic.
He shared a glimpse of the interview on his Instagram where the lady police personnel has a hilarious reply to his busting myth questions.
He captioned the video saying: "Bahar jaogey toh pitogey. Fact hi maan ke ghar Baitho (If you step out you're going to be beaten up. Take this to be a fact zand stay at home) #kokiPoochega."
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In his first episode of "Koki Poochega", Kartik had interviewed India's first COVID-19 survivor Sumiti Singh. The interaction gave an insight into what a person with symptoms of the virus should do and not do.
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In his second episode, Kartik interviewed a Gujarat-based doctor Meemansu Buch, who debunked several myths around the pandemic.
From IANS inputs.