Mumbai: On Thursday evening, a section of the media started floating the news that veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah is hospitalised. However, his family has confirmed that Shah is fine and healthy and is in his residence in the city.
In an exclusive interview with ETV Bharat, Naseeruddin's manager told: "This is completely fake news. We do not know who is spreading this news. It is completely false. Nasiruddin is doing well."
The manager further added that he is busy rehearsing at his farmhouse, which is located between Karat and Pune, 3 hours away from Mumbai.
"Naseer ji and his family have been at the farmhouse since the lockdown. They have not returned from there and are currently staying there," he said.
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Rubbishing all the hoax, he said not to believe such news and said, "they spread this news without any confirmation."
"He's absolutely fine, and is observing lockdown with my aunt Ratna in Mumbai, it is fake news," confirmed Saira Shah Halim, niece of the actor.
According to Saira, her father Lieutenant General Zameer Uddin Shah, had spoken to the veteran actor a short while ago and was assured that Naseeruddin Shah is hale and healthy.
With inputs from IANS.