Mumbai: Ahead of its release, Rajkumar Rao and Kangana Ranaut starrer 'Mental Hai Kya' faced difficulty with its title. The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) found the title of the film is "a bit too harsh" and therefore the certification board has ordered a title change.
During a recent media interaction, Kangana revealed that the board members were "thrilled" to watch the movie but suggested a minor change in the film's title.
Stepping out after a meeting with the censor board, Kangana said: "Well, there will be a mild change in the title of the film since they find it too harsh, so we are more than happy to do that. And, other than that there are absolutely no cuts and they were thrilled to see the film."
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The film has been embroiled in controversy on and off. Earlier, Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) wrote a letter to the censor board showing their objection against the film's posters.
IPC in a letter addressed to CBFC chairperson Prasoon Joshi, said that the title is "discriminative, stigmatizing, degrading and inhuman in projecting mental disorders and persons who suffer from mental disorders."
Talking about the film, director Prakash Kovelamudi said: "'Mental Hai Kya' is an intriguing thriller with doses of quirk. The film challenges the norms, and I am thrilled to bring to the audience something original."