New Delhi: Facebook introduced Live Rooms on Instagram that will let users go live on the photo-sharing platform with up to three people.
Previously, they could go live with only one other person in an Instagram stream.
Live Rooms will soon be available globally for everyone on Instagram.
- To start a Live Room, swipe left and pick the Live camera option.
- Then, add a title and tap the Rooms icon to add your guests.
- You'll see people who have requested to go live with you, and you can also search for a guest to add.
- When you start a Live Room, you'll remain at the top of the screen when you add guests.
- As a broadcaster, you can add up to three guests at once or one by one. "For example, you could start with two guests, and add a surprise guest as the third participant later! Going live with multiple guests is a great way to increase your reach, as guests' followers can also be notified," Facebook informed.
- People that are blocked by any of the active participants in the Live Room will not be able to join the Live.
"Guests who have had live access revoked because of violations of our Community Guidelines also won't be able to join a Live Room," Facebook said.
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(Inputs from Agencies)