Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala): HLL Lifecare Limited, a central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) here, has launched three brands of menstrual cups for women in India and around the globe. Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare, Dr.Bharati Pravin Pawar launched the brands titled Thinkal, Velvet and Cool Cup at a function held at HLL's Corporate R&D Centre here on Friday. HLL Lifecare Limited is a central public sector undertaking under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
After launching the products, the Minister said that the Menstrual Cup is a big breakthrough in menstrual hygiene management. Noting that it is environment friendly and convenient to use, she also stated that HLL MCup is expected to outshine as a leader in this segment. I am proud to say that whichever area HLL operates, whether it is contraceptives, blood bags, pharma, or the healthcare service segments, HLL has adhered to high quality and service standards. HLL is driven by a strong mission to help the middle and lower-class segments of the country, which is very laudable and commendable," she added.
THINKAL is the CSR brand of Menstrual Cup, VELVET is the domestic brand and COOL CUP is all set to be sold in the international markets of the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, and Africa, an official statement said. Menstrual Cup is a sustainable and reusable device made of Medical Grade Silicone material that can be inserted to fit in the vagina to collect menstrual fluid. HLL offers high quality affordable menstrual cups as a safe solution for menstruation.
Reusable for a minimum period of 5 years and a maximum of 10 years is the main specialty of M Cup of HLL. Eliminating waste caused by sanitary napkins also ensures environmental protection, the statement further added. HLL has been the Nodal Agency of the Ministry of Health for the Procurement and supply of Emergency Medical items during COVID Pandemic. (PTI)