Jalaun (Uttar Pradesh): In a shocking incident, an elderly man, in an inebriated state, allegedly strangulated his 18-year-old daughter to death at their residence in Dagrupurva village under Kuthond police limits in Uttar Pradesh's Jalaun district on Tuesday.
The accused has been identified as Ram Babu and he is at large after committing the crime.
According to sources, the incident took place this morning when Ram Babu returned home in an inebriated condition and had an altercation with his family members over trivial issues.
Later, an altercation flared up between Babu and his daughter, following which he repeatedly strangulated her, leading to her death.
On being informed, police reached the spot and started an investigation into the matter.
"Prima facie investigation suggested that the girl was allegedly beaten and then strangulated. Though the exact reason behind the incident is yet to be ascertained, it is suspected that Ram Babu has killed his daughter over a family feud and fled from the spot after committing the crime," said, Avdhesh Kumar Singh, SP, Jajaun.
Meanwhile, police have sent the body for post-mortem and launched a manhunt to nab the accused father.
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