Hyderabad: For comedians Kapil Sharma and Bharti Singh, this Mother's Day took on added significance as their kids made their runway debut. While Bharti was joined by Krushna Abhishek, who carried her kid Laksh nicknamed Golla on the ramp, Kapil walked the ramp holding his daughter Anayra's hand. Several pictures and videos from the charity event have circulated in the media, leaving fans swooning over how adorable the two children are.
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Anayra walked boldly on the ramp wearing a black dress, twinning with her father. She also blew kisses to the audience when she got to the head of the ramp. She tried to pout and pose when Kapil asked her to, but she ultimately chose to follow him back while holding his hand. The audience applauded the father-daughter duo as they waved at them.
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On the other hand, Bharti walked the ramp holding Krushna's hand while the crowd applauded for Laksh. While Krushna was holding her son, Bharti took her kid on her lap as they posed for pictures together. Later, Kapil and Bharti reunited on the red carpet and hugged each other. As Bharti mentioned that they were matching in black, Kapil complimented her that she was looking very 'pyaari'. Television actor Nia Sharma also joined Bharti on the sidelines as she played with her kid.
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Also read: TV actors Ankita, Divyanka and Urvashi share how television changed their lives
On the professional front, Kapil Sharma recently welcomed back Krushna Abhishek back on his comedy show. He will also soon take a break to start shooting for Rhea Kapoor's The Crew, which features Tabu, Kareena Kapoor and Kriti Sanon in key roles. Whereas, Bharti Singh last appeared in the comedy show Favvara Chowk and Entertainment Ki Raat Housefull.