Hyderabad: Bigg Boss OTT 2 is getting more and more intense and dramatic with each passing day. In a recent update, the Salman Khan-hosted show will see housemates going on dates in pairs. In the episode to be aired on Monday, viewers will see Manisha Rani going on a date with Bebika Dhurve and Pooja Bhatt enjoying the date with Abhishek Malhan. In another preview, we also see Jiya and Avinash having a difference of opinion followed by a clash of words.
The video snippets of Monday's episode were once again intriguing and quite surprising as we saw Avinash and Jiya having a disagreement. Sharing the clip on JioCinema's official Instagram page, makers wrote: "Kyun hua Avinash and Jiya ke beech mein tandav?🔥 ( To find out, watch tonight’s episode of #BiggBossOTT2 at 9pm. Streaming free on #JioCinema. #BBOTT2 #BBOTT2onJioCinema @beingsalmankhan @jiyaashankarofficial @avinashsachdev." As soon as the video was dropped, fans rushed to the comment section to express their views. Reacting to the post, a social media user wrote: "This person turned out to be very useless, I thought he was good."
In another clip shared, we see a totally different set-up. Apparently, housemates were given the opportunity to go on dinner dates. In the previews, Manisha Rani is seen dining with her friend Bebika, while housemates watch what they talk about. Later, Pooja Bhatt is seen with Abhishek enjoying the meal. The two talk about themselves contrary to Manisha and Bebika who spent their time discussing other housemates. Dropping the preview, makers wrote: "Dinner date par kisi ne kiya doosre housemates ko diss, toh kisi ne kiya gharwalon ko miss! 🔥💫 Watch this episode of #BiggBossOTT2 at 9pm tonight. Streaming free on #JioCinema."
It will be interesting to watch how things will unfold in the house after housemates find out about their dinner discussions. Will it impact their dynamics in the house, strengthen their bonds or will lead to another misunderstanding?