Hyderabad: Bollywood diva Deepika Padukone, who is one of the presenters at the 95th Academy Awards, made an impressive appearance at the esteemed award show. The actor rocked the Oscars champagne carpet donning a black gown. Deepika took center stage to introduce the RRR song Naatu Naatu to the Oscars audience, just in case the mass dance anthem is not known to anyone present at the award gala. For India, the Oscars this season as three significant Indian movies got coveted Oscars Awards 2023 nominations.
“If you don’t know Naatu, your about to” 😅#DeepikaPadukone announces #NaatuNaatu performance at #Oscars 🤩#RRRMovie | #AcademyAwards
— Abhi (@abhi_is_online) March 13, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">“If you don’t know Naatu, your about to” 😅#DeepikaPadukone announces #NaatuNaatu performance at #Oscars 🤩#RRRMovie | #AcademyAwards
— Abhi (@abhi_is_online) March 13, 2023
pic.twitter.com/4vNzjcIJ3R“If you don’t know Naatu, your about to” 😅#DeepikaPadukone announces #NaatuNaatu performance at #Oscars 🤩#RRRMovie | #AcademyAwards
— Abhi (@abhi_is_online) March 13, 2023
The moment Deepika started talking about the Naatu Naatu song, her short speech was interrupted by hootings and cheers multiple times. The actor took ample poses to accommodate the excitement before she talked further about the rage that Naatu Naatu is. Padukone was seemingly beaming with pride as she introduced Naatu Naatu at the 95th Academy Awards. She led the way for Naatu Naatu's live performance by singers Kaalabhirava and Rahul Sipligunj at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles.
And the #NaatuNaatu Performance at #Oscars #RRRMovie#NaatuNaatuForOscars #GlobalHITNaatuNaatu pic.twitter.com/aWQ8r7GNjv
— aniRRRudh (@Anirudh0812) March 13, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">And the #NaatuNaatu Performance at #Oscars #RRRMovie#NaatuNaatuForOscars #GlobalHITNaatuNaatu pic.twitter.com/aWQ8r7GNjv
— aniRRRudh (@Anirudh0812) March 13, 2023And the #NaatuNaatu Performance at #Oscars #RRRMovie#NaatuNaatuForOscars #GlobalHITNaatuNaatu pic.twitter.com/aWQ8r7GNjv
— aniRRRudh (@Anirudh0812) March 13, 2023
READ | Deepika Padukone flaunts her new tattoo '82° E' in all black ensemble at Oscars 2023
At the Oscars 2023, Deepika oozed old-world charm in a custom-made Louis Vuitton gown by Nicolas Ghesquiere. Deepika's look for the Oscars is well put together by her long-time collaborator and stylist Shaleena Nathani. The actor looked elegant in the outfit that accentuated her tall figure to a T. Deepika opted a vintage look for Oscars 2023 as she tied her hair into a bun and went with minimal glam. The actor added a Cartier necklace and dazzling bracelet to jazz up her look for the award gala.