Hyderabad: Two individuals have been apprehended by the Panvel taluka police for attempting to illegally access superstar Salman Khan's Panvel farmhouse named Arpita after his sister, reports suggest. Situated in Waje village, Panvel, the incident occurred on Thursday, January 4, when the accused allegedly tried to trespass by attempting to jump over the fence climbing an adjacent tree and enter the farmhouse compound.
The detained individuals have been identified as Ajesh Kumar Gila (23) and Gurusevaksingh Sikh (23), both residents of Fazilka district in Punjab. According to the farmhouse manager, Shashikant, the security guard Mohammed Hussain discovered the duo's intrusion and promptly alerted him. The accused initially claimed to be Maheshkumar Ramniwas and Vinod Kumar Radheshyam from Balia district in Uttar Pradesh. However, their fake photographs on Aadhaar cards revealed conflicting details. Consequently, the duo has been arrested on charges of trespassing and forgery.
In recent times, Salman Khan has faced increased security threats, prompting heightened security measures around his residence. The Mumbai police have assigned him Y+ category security due to perceived threats. In 2022, Salman Khan obtained a gun license for self-protection, further bolstering his security. The actor now travels in a bulletproof car to ensure his safety.
On the work front, Salman achieved success with the release of Tiger 3, co-starring Katrina Kaif. Looking ahead, he is set to commence shooting for Tiger Vs Pathaan this year. This spy thriller, directed by Siddharth Anand, will feature a face-off between Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan.
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