Hyderabad: Ranveer Singh on Monday inaugurated the salon of celebrity hairstylist Darshan Yewalekar. The actor was in a jovial mood and could be seen picking up some trash from the floor while also playing a prank on celebrity photographer Rohan Shrestha. Yet, some were not convinced by his gesture of picking trash and referred to it as a publicity stunt. Others said that his actor-wife Deepika Padukone, who has frequently spoken about her obsession with cleanliness, had an impact on him.
Ranveer showed up at the launch wearing a plain black T-shirt, grey denim jeans, and black shoes and had his hair tied in a ponytail. As he moved alongside a makeshift wall, he noticed a few tiny tidbits and he was seen picking them up. A paparazzo recorded it and uploaded the video on Instagram with a caption that read, "#ranveersingh ko kachra pasand nahi.." (Ranveer Singh does not like trash).
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Many social media users, however, called it a publicity stunt including comments like "Camera ke samne... likhna bhul gaye captions mein", "It seems like he came jus to get snap of this moment and fortunately few pieces of paper helped him", "Kachraa psnd nhi hai toh sher me bhut kachra hai voh saaf kree yaaa pr kya overacting kr rha hai". Taking a dig at Ranveer, a user even said, "50 rupai kaat over acting ke."
On the other hand, some users also wrote, "Yeaah that's why he loves dipika", "Deepika has OCD that's why", "People in the comment section are so brutal and negative. Dude has ocd and he already mentioned it in many of his interviews . Why do you all drive a very good person to depression with your negativity".