Hyderabad: Actor Jr NTR's forthcoming Telugu movie which is tentatively titled NTR30 was formally launched with a pooja ceremony in March. The makers are reportedly gearing up to reveal the title of the movie as well as the first look poster on May 20 to coincide with Jr NTR's birthday. After Janatha Garage, Jr NTR is reuniting with Koratala Siva for NTR 30. The movie marks Bollywood actors Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan's Telugu debut.
The internet is buzzing with reports that the film's title and first look will be unveiled on May 20, on the occasion of Jr NTR's birthday. The project was launched months after it was announced last year. Fans have been demanding updates from the crew ever since the project was formally announced. The diehard admirers of Jr NTR are now certain that an announcement will be made on the actor's birthday since social media is blazing with excitement.
Jr NTR recently pleaded with fans to refrain from constantly asking for updates since it puts a lot of burden on many people. The actor said, "Sometimes when we're developing a movie, there isn't always much to reveal. We cannot keep giving updates on a daily or hourly basis. Although I completely understand your excitement and the urge, sometimes all of this puts a lot of pressure on both the producer and the director. Due to the pressure, we sometimes share updates that don't have much value and that upsets the fans even more." Jr NTR continued by saying that it's unhealthy for many actors to be under this type of pressure.
Meanwhile, Jr NTR will next collaborate with director Vetrimaaran on a yet-untitled Telugu movie. Recently, Vetrimaaran said that his film with Jr NTR will take some time to take off. He further said that he roped in Jr NTR not because of his star value but for the suitable content and a role that would demand an actor that he is.