Hyderabad: Singer Lucky Ali, best known for songs like O Sanam, Ek Pal Ka Jeena, Safarnama, and other hits, recently found himself in hot water after sharing a controversial post on Facebook. The singer claimed that the word "Brahman" is derived from the name "Abram" in the now-deleted post. He apologised after one particular segment of social media took offence to his post.
Ali clarified in another post that he only intended to bring everyone closer together and 'not cause distress.' 'Dear Everyone, I realise the controversy of my last post,' the singer wrote on Facebook. 'My intentions were not to cause anyone distress or anger, and I deeply regret that. My intentions, instead, were to bring us all closer together,' he added.
'But I see how it didn't come out the way I intended. I will be more mindful of what I post and how I phrase things now that I know it has offended many of my Hindu brothers and sisters. I apologise to you all...' On Sunday, the 64-year-old singer mentioned in his post that the term Brahman is derived from the name Abram. According to religious texts, Abram aka Abraham aka Ibrahim is regarded as the father of all nations. His post also implied that Brahmins could be Ibrahim's descendants.
"The name 'Brahman' is derived from 'Brahma,' which is derived from 'Abram,' which is derived from Abraham or Ibrahim," he wrote. Ibrahim's ancestors are the Brahmans. Alaihisalam... The Father of All Nations... so why are people arguing and fighting instead of reasoning with one another?" Lucky Ali is the late Bollywood actor Mehmood's son. While he has not appeared in a film in a long time, he continues to perform in India and abroad. He is extremely popular among music fans.