Hyderabad: The makers of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone-starrer Fighter unveiled the film's first look poster on Friday. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, Fighter will be India's first-ever aerial action genre film.
Directed by Sidharth Anand, the film is shot using the latest technology and filming techniques, and at locations across the world. Along with the first look poster out, makers also announced Fighter release date. The film is slated to hit big screens on January 25, 2024. Fighter was earlier suppose to arrive in theatres on January 26, 2023.
Talking about the film, the makers had earlier said that that film has the potential of putting Indian films on the map for action-loving global theatrical audiences who crave for spectacle and the big screen experience.
The film is being bankrolled by Viacom18 Studios, Mamta Anand, Ramon Chibb and Anku Pande. Fighter is touted to be an aerial action film that offers a unique cinematic experience. The script explores aerial action and has a story rooted in India. With Fighter, the makers are aiming to build a franchise.
After Bang Bang (2014) and War (2019), Fighter will reunite Hrithik and Sidharth for the third time. Meanwhile, it will see Hrithik collaborating with Deepika on screen for the first time ever. Hrithik and Deepika aside, Fighter will also feature Anil Kapoor in a pivotal role.