Hyderabad: With the Oscars having begun in Los Angeles, stars took to the red carpet in their best self. Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, one of the presenters at the Oscars, looked stunning in an all-black ensemble. But that is not it, the highlight of her look was her tattoo '82° E' (inspired by her beauty brand) under her ears.
The actress took to Instagram to share pictures of herself. Instead of having a carousel post, the actress uploaded three pictures as different stand-alone posts under the same caption, which read as: #Oscars95. Fans couldn't contain their excitement at the ravishing look of the Pathaan actress. As soon as the pictures were uploaded to the social media site, fans thronged the comment section with heart and fire emoticons.
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A social media user commenting on her look wrote: "It's giving Princess Diana X Audrey Hepburn vibes." Another one wrote: "KILLED IT." "Yessss queen slayyyyyyy," commented another. "Breathtaking," "Iconic," wrote others. Deepika nailed her look in an all-black gown. She had her hair tied in a low bun. The actress opted for a retro look having dramatic winged eyeliner. She kept it minimal with a statement diamond pendant to complete her look.
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Talking about her gown in detail, the Om Shanti Om actress oozed old-Hollywood splendour while wearing an off-the-shoulder jet-black gown. Her dress had drapings on the arms, full-length sleeves with attached opera gloves, a fitted bust, a corseted bodice, a tightened torso, figure-hugging fit with a mermaid-style pleated skirt that touched the floor. Deepika had earlier shared that she has been listed as one of the presenters at the Oscars this year. The 95th Academy Awards is even more special for Indians as three Indian-origin movies have been nominated for America's biggest honours.
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