Hyderabad: Actor Kangana Ranaut on Saturday took a potshot at superstar Aamir Khan after a video of the latter's interaction with author Shobhaa De surfaced online. Kangana is known for having no filter whatsoever when it comes to expressing her views about anything and everything under the sky. After taking a veiled dig at Ranbir Kapoor, now Aamir is on her target. Read on to find out why Kangana called the superstar "bechara" in her latest tweet.
On Saturday morning, Kangana took to Twitter and shared a video which was posted by one of her fan clubs on the platform. The said video is from the launch of Shobhaa's latest work Insatiable. Aamir unveiled the book during an event which was held in Mumbai on Friday.
During the event, Aamir was asked if any actor from Bollywood can pull off Shobhaa's role if a biopic is made on her life. Aamir's choices were Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra and Alia Bhatt as they are "strong" individuals in real life as well. Shobhaa, however, had different name in her mind and asked what he thinks of Kangana.
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After Shobhaa took Kangana's name, Aamir agreed that she could also play her well. Khan heaped praise on Kangana and said that she is a versatile actor but the Queen star felt that he was "pretending." Sharing the video on Twitter, Kangana wrote, " Bechara Aamir Khan … ha ha he tried his best to pretend like he doesn’t know that I am the only three times national award winning actress none of those he mentioned has even one … Thank you @DeShobhaa ji I would love to play you ♥️."
If we go back in the timeline, Kangana in 2016 had slammed the author for mocking Indian athletes at the Rio Olympics. A year later, however, the two were seen together complimenting each other when Kangana graced the launch of Shobhaa's book Seventy & To Hell With It.