New Delhi: Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Tuesday slammed the Centre for suppressing data related to the Covid pandemic. "Why is there such a difference between the government's figures on deaths from Covid and the figures at crematoriums and cemeteries? Why did the Modi government make data a tool of propaganda instead of making it a tool to spread awareness and stop the spread of the Covid virus?" Priyanka tweeted using the "Zimmedaar Kaun (who is responsible)" campaign hashtag.
Read: Priyanka says govt suppressing Covid data
On Monday, the Congress leader accused the Centre of suppressing data related to the Covid pandemic, and said the Modi government's emphasis on propaganda over saving lives had caused "immense damage". Going ahead with her "Zimmedaar Kaun (who is responsible)" campaign, in which she has been asking questions to the government over its handling of the pandemic, the Congress general secretary focused on the data related to Covid put out by the government.
Read: Priyanka alleges govt increased export of oxygen by 700% in 2020
Is it more important to save the prime minister's image than it is to save Indian lives, she asked in her posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram while alleging that the government was using data as a "propaganda tool". "From the very start of the pandemic, the Modi government's attitude towards data was to utilize it as a propaganda tool rather than an invaluable weapon in the fight against COVID-19," Priyanka Gandhi added in a statement.