New Delhi: Shares of Zomato on Friday zoomed nearly 53 per cent in its debut trade against its issue price of Rs 76. The stock made its debut at Rs 115, reflecting a huge gain of 51.31 per cent against the issue price on the BSE. It then hit a high of Rs 138, a jump of 81.57 per cent.
At the NSE, it got listed at Rs 116, registering a premium of 52.63 per cent. Zomato's initial public offering (IPO) last week ended with a bumper 38 times subscription.
The IPO had opened for subscription on July 14, in a price band of Rs 72-76 per share. It closed on July 16. The company, backed by Jack Ma's Ant Group Co, is the first from a long list of Indian unicorn startups to launch an IPO. It is also the first among Indian online food aggregators.
The Zomato IPO comprised a fresh issue of equity shares worth Rs 9,000 crore and an offer-for-sale (OFS) worth Rs 375 crore by existing investor Info Edge (India), which is the parent company of, according to the information provided in the draft red herring prospectus. Incorporated in 2008, Zomato is present in 525 cities in India, with 3,89,932 active restaurant listings along with a presence in 23 countries outside India.
Read: Zomato IPO: Know how to check share allotment status online