Nellore: In a significant gesture in 2020, renowned playback singer late SP Balasubrahmanyam handed over his residence in Nellore’s Tipparajuvari Street to Kanchi Peetham for establishing a vedic school. Responding to the request from Kanchi Peetham, Rs 10 lakh was allocated to make the necessary modifications and provide essential facilities to the house.
Despite Balasubrahmanyam’s heartfelt message to continue the 'Veda-Nada' campaign, the residence he donated remains unused and a full-fledged vedic school has not been established even after five years.
The vedic school, which was initially set up with ten students in this residential property, faced difficulties due to inadequate facilities. The students were forced to study in a makeshift shed on the roof, making it difficult to sustain the school. As a result, the students were transferred to another school.
SP Balasubrahmanyam passed away in 2020 due to Covid, leaving behind an unfulfilled vision. His fans are expressing disappointment, lamenting that the house, valued at over Rs. 1 crore, remains empty. They feel upset that the people who once illuminated the home with their presence are now the ones missing from the scene.
Speaking about the matter, Nanda Kishore, the manager of the Kanchi Math in Nellore, said, "While the Vedic school was initially started, it couldn't be sustained due to lack of proper facilities. The students were moved out as it became difficult for them to continue in the temporary setup. Currently, no programs are being held there, and we are evaluating how to make use of the property."
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