Agra: Akhil Bharatvarshiya Yadav Mahasabha (ABYM) on Wednesday submitted a memorandum to the District Magistrate demanding action under the National Security Act (NSA) against a man, who dressed up his pet dog in the costume of God on the eve of Janmashtami. The accused, Rameshchand Lalwani, had posted a picture of a dog dressed as Lord Krishna on social media on August 20, thereby hurting the religious sentiments of the believers. Rajkumar, the district president of ABYM, said that several Hindus have been offended by the act and that such a kind of insult to God will not be tolerated. He reiterated his demand of imposing the National Security Act on the accused though a complaint has already been lodged with the police.
Also read: K'taka: Muslim child dressed as lord Krishna for Janmashtami celebrations
State general secretary of the organisation Gajendra Singh also highlighted how offensive the act was. "Hindus worship Lord Shri Krishna in their homes and temples. The whole world bows before his teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. The witnesses take oath on Gita in the court before giving their statement. Such insult of God by Ramesh Chandra Lalwani will not be tolerated," he said.