Agra: In a shocking incident, a retired army officer in Uttar Pradesh's Agra lost Rs 39 lakh after the amount was transferred from his bank account by his mobile game-addicted son to a gaming company based in Singapore, police said. As per police, the officer approached cyber police after the hefty amount disappeared from his bank account.
In its subsequent probe of the case, the Agra Range Cyber Police found that money from the bank account of the retired soldier was transferred to the account of an online gaming company in Singapore. Inspector Akash Singh, in-charge Agra Range Station, said that the retired soldier did not give any information about how the money was taken out of the bank account.
The victim had not downloaded any application on his mobile phone either, he said. When the payment details were called from the concerned bank, it came to the fore that the amount was paid by the officer's son, who is addicted to the game 'Battle Ground Mobile India' developed by Crafton Company, through Paytm. The money was deducted from the retired officer by default for every session of the game the youth would play adding up to a whopping Rs 39 lakh.
Police station in-charge Inspector Akash Singh said that a case of fraud under the relevant sections of the IT Act has been registered against the Crafton Company on the complaint of the retired soldier while a probe is going on.
Also read: PUBG Addiction: Two kids steal Rs 8 lakh from parents