Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday issued instructions to officials to provide financial assistance amounting to Rs 25 lakh to the next of kin of the Lakhimpur deceased. The criminals after raping two Dalit sisters murdered them in the Lakhimpur district of Uttar Pradesh. CM Adityanath also assured the victims' families that the case will be handed over to the fast-track court for a speedy trial.
Lakhimpur Kheri SDM Rajesh Kumar in a written assurance to the victims' families said that efforts will be done so that the accused in the case should get maximum punishment. Apart from this, the administration also promised to release the first instalment of Rs 16 lakh (Rs 8 lakh each in two tranches) will be credited to the deceased mother's bank account on Friday.
Read: UP : Dalit sisters found hanging from tree ; family alleges rape, murder
Besides, the proposed compensation money under the Rani Laxmibai scheme will be made available to the victims' kin immediately after the completion of the investigation of the case. On the other hand, the process of providing housing facilities under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana will be completed at the block level. The government jobs and plots will be provided to the victims' kin, the SDM added.