Chandigarh: In a major decision, Haryana Government barred unvaccinated students in the age group of 15-18 from entering educational institutions. Health Minister Anil Vij has said that teenagers in the age group of 15-18 years who have not received the corona vaccine will not be allowed to attend school.
Anil Vij was conducting a meeting with the officials to review the current coronavirus situation in the state when he issued the notice. He also urged the parents to get their children vaccinated at the earliest because when the schools open, the children who have not been vaccinated will not be allowed to enter the school.
Vij said two nodal officers will be appointed for each district, out of which one officer will monitor arrangements at the government hospitals and the other in private ones. “These nodal officers will provide information about the arrangements available in the hospitals to the state government,” he added.
Schools in the state have currently been shut down amid the rising cases of novel coronavirus in the past couple of weeks and will remain close till 26 January as per the instructions of Education Minister, Kanwarpal Gurjar. Over 15 lakh children in Haryana between 15-18 years of age are eligible to get Covid vaccine which started on January 3rd.
On Friday, 8,841 new patients tested positive for Covid 19 taking the active cases tally to 41,420. While the Omicron tally remains at 169, However, 162 of these got cured.
Read: Haryana shuts down schools, colleges till January 26 amid COVID worries