New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday announced the setting up of five centres of excellence for India's urban planning at an estimated cost of Rs 250 crore each.
"Five centres of excellence will be set up with an endowment fund of Rs 250 crore each for urban planning courses that would assist in the urban sector," said Sitharaman while presenting Union Budget 2022-23 in the Lok Sabha.
She said that her government has taken this decision for the overall development of India's urban sector. The finance minister said that an amount of Rs 80 lakh PMAY houses will also be set up with an estimated cost of Rs 48,000 crore.
Referring to the health sector, Sitaraman said that the pandemic has put attention on the mental health system. "A national tele mental health programme with 23 tele health centres along with IIT Bangalore will be started," said Sitaraman. Emphasis will be given on the digital health ecosystem for digital registry for access to health facilities, she said.
Also read: Budget 2022 brings new hopes, opportunities for people, says PM Modi