Dehradun: Rajpur Police in Dehradun is on its toes to find two iPhones of Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court Sunita Agarwal which were stolen at a wedding ceremony here on January 26. While one phone belonged to Agarwal, the other was bought by the Registrar General's Office at Ahmedabad.
Agarwal was in Dehradun to attend a wedding ceremony at Foothill Garden at Mussoorie Road. Between 4:45 pm and 5:15 pm, two of her iPhones were stolen from the ceremony venue. Dehradun Police were informed of the theft of both the phones. While one of the iPhones is the Gujarat High Court Chief Justice's personal device, the other was bought by the Registrar General's Office. Registrar General of Ahmedabad, Moolchand Tyagi had informed Dehradun Police of the mobile theft basing on which a case was filed against unknown people. Police have seized CCTV footage of the area and information is being collected on people arriving and leaving the wedding. Along with this, police are also trying to find the mobile through surveillance.
Rajpur police station in-charge PD Bhatt said a written complaint was received from Tyagi on January 27. He said so far a list of around 100 people has been prepared and they are being questioned. "We have received some inputs and hope to nab the culprit soon," he added. Agarwal was appointed Chief Justice of Gujarat High Court on July 23, 2023.