Agartala: Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb announced Rs 5 lakh as financial assistance to the family members of two Tripura State Rifle (TSR) officials who were killed today by a rifleman of the TSR after the officials reportedly denied to accept his leave application. According to reports, the incident took place at Konaban GCS (ONGC Post) under Madhupur police station of Sepahijala district at about 9.30 am.
The accused rifleman of TSR identified as Sukanta Das has shot his two senior officials, Subedar Marka Singh Jamatia and Sub-inspector Kiran Jamatia.
"Today at about 9.30 am one firing incident took place in Konaban GCS (ONGC Post) under Madhupur police station of Sepahijala district. One rifleman Sukanta Das of 5th battalion TSR started indiscriminate firing at the ONGC Post, as a result, Subedar Marka Singh Jamatia suffered bullet injury and died on the spot", sources said.
The source also said that Sub-inspector Kiran Jamatia who suffered a bullet injury and was referred to Tripura Medical College at Agartala in critical condition died after he reached the hospital.
It is further learned that the accused rifleman got married to one Mallika Reang, who is a Tripura Police Woman Constable posted at RK Pur police station under Udaipur Sub-division of Gomati district of Tripura.
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According to reports, Sukanta applied for leave but his senior officials asked him to attend a training. On this issue, he became depressed and opened fire on the two officials.
After the firing incident, the said rifleman Sukanta fled the spot and surrendered to Madhupur police station with his arms and ammunition. He has been arrested and interrogation is going on.
Meanwhile, Chief minister Biplab Kumar Deb expressed his condolences and announced Rs 5 lakh to each of the deceased families.
"My homage to our brave personnel of Tripura State Rifles, Subedar Marka Singh Jamatia & Nb Subedar Kiran Jamatia who died while on duty today. My condolences to bereaved family. #Tripura govt has decided to give 5 Lakh each to bereaved families. They will also get benefits under the Die-in-harness scheme", CM Deb wrote on his Facebook.