Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh): The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) authorities have announced that the body owns 960 properties across the country worth whooping Rs. 85,705 crore. TTD Board Chairman YV Subba Reddy said that between 1974 and 2014, 114 properties of the TTD were sold. "But not a single one was sold after that," he said. The revelation comes at a time when the TTD's monthly earnings through donations have shot up in the last five months. According to TTD officials, the total amount since April stands at over Rs. 700 crore.
Also read: TTD receives Rs 85 crore donations from devotees
Speaking to the media, the Chairman said that the TTD controls over 7,000 acres of land in the country. He said that as per the direction of the State government the TTD has released a white paper last year regarding its properties adding that it will do the same this year also. The Board has at least Rs 14,000 crore in fixed deposits and owns about 14 tonnes of gold.