Sopore: Security forces on Friday arrested three alleged Overground Workers of Lashkar-e-Taiba in Sopore sub-district of Jammu and Kashmir. Police said the three were arrested during evening hours at a Mobile Vehicle Check Post (MVCP) which was set up at Bomai Chowk.
"During the checking, a suspicious movement of three persons was noticed and were subsequently asked to stop, but they tried to flee from the spot. However, they were tactfully apprehended by the security forces," a statement from the police department said.
"Upon their personal search, three hand grenades, nine posters, and 12 Pakistani flags were recovered from their possession," it said and added, "the three were identified as Shariq Ashraf of Hadipora Rafiabad, Saqlain Mushtaq of Warpora Sopore and Tawfeeq Hassan Sheikh of Fatehgarh Baramulla."
“Preliminary investigations have revealed that the arrested persons are OGWs of proscribed terrorist organisation LeT and were in a constant search of an opportunity to carry out attacks on security forces and civilians including outside labourers,” the statement said. Accordingly, a case has been registered at Police Station Bomai under relevant sections of law and further investigation is still going on.