Mysuru: The Karnataka police lodged a POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) case against a seer on Saturday. The case was registered against the seer based on a complaint lodged by girl students at a school run by Hindu Math in Mysuru. The girl students accused the seer of the math of sexually harassing them while blessing them. The students, who are staying at the Math's free hostel, complained to the Odanadi Seva Trust of Women and Children Residential Centre that the seer used to call them to his room once a week and sexually harass them.
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The hostel warden and other staff assaulted them for questioning, the students alleged adding that the hostel staff kicked them out of the hostel in the last week of July. The girl students said they were afraid to face the parents and instead went to the house of one of the students' relatives in Bengaluru. On their way, the students narrated their harrowing experiences to the auto driver, who took them to a police station.
The police later sent the girls to their parents. The students finally approached the Odanadi NGO with their complaints. Director of Odanadi Seva Sansthan Stalin said this is a sensitive case adding they have produced the victims before the Child Welfare Committee. Parasurama, another director of Odanadi Seva Sansthan, informed that Mysore District Superintendent of Police Chetan had been informed about the allegations of sexual harassment levelled by students against Swamiji.