Chennai: Director Soundarya Rajinikanth, who is also the younger daughter of Tamil superstar Rajinikanth, has now been blessed with a second baby -- a boy. The producer and her husband Vishagan have named the little one Veer Rajinikanth. Taking to social media, Soundarya Rajinikanth made the announcement.
Posting a series of pictures that were shot during her pregnancy, she said: "With God's abundant grace and our parents' blessings Vishagan, Ved and I are thrilled to welcome Ved's little brother Veer Rajinikanth Vanangamudi today 11/9/22." "A huge thank you to our amazing doctors Sumana Manohar and Dr.Srividya Seshadri," she wrote.
Several celebrities, friends, fans, and well-wishers have been congratulating the couple. Director Gitanjali Selvaraghavan, the wife of director Selvaraghavan, too was among those who congratulated Soundarya. She wrote, "Congratulations Mittu, Vishagan, and Ved!!! Welcome to the world Veer!" (IANS)