Panaji: The Goa Police on Saturday detained a suspected peddler who had allegedly supplied drugs to the two accused arrested in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sonali Phogat murder case, a senior officer said. The suspected drug peddler, Dattaprasad Gaonkar, was detained from Anjuna after the accused duo "confessed" in their statement that they had procured drugs from him, the officer said.
Goa Police had arrested Sudhir Sangwan and Sukhwinder Singh accompanying Phogat, a popular TikTok star who hailed from Haryana, to Goa. Phogat, 42, was brought dead to St Anthony Hospital at Anjuna in North Goa district on August 23 morning from her hotel. The police on Friday said Sagwan and Singh allegedly mixed some "obnoxious substance" in water and forced Phogat to drink it while partying at Curlies restaurant on the intervening night of August 22 and 23, adding they have been charged with murder. The motive behind the alleged murder of Phogat could be "economic interest", a senior police officer had said.
CCTV footage of the incident shows Sudhir and Sukhwinder allegedly making her drink something. While Sangwan can be seen pushing Sonali to drink something, the video shows clearly not feeling comfortable. (Agency inputs)