Amritsar: Shiv Sena Hindustan chief Sudhir Suri on Friday was shot dead by unidentified assailants in Punjab's Amritsar, police said. The incident occurred outside a temple in the city, where Suri, alongside some other leaders, was holding a protest, they added.
"Sudhir Suri was shot outside Gopal Mandir, Amritsar during an agitation. He sustained bullet injuries and was rushed to hospital and died during treatment. The accused has been arrested and his weapon has been recovered," Amritsar Commissioner of Police Arunpal Singh said at a press conference. At least five shots were fired at Suri after which he fell down and lost consciousness, he added.
There was chaos at the spot after Suri collapsed following the attack. Footages of the incident showed several people apparently chasing the killer inside a building, whereas the leader is seen being taken inside a car for further treatment. They also showed one of Suri's companions firing in retaliation.
Meanwhile, Punjab BJP President Ashwani Sharma said that the incident highlighted the alarming law and order situation in the state. "The death of Shiv Sena Hindustan leader Sudhir Suri in Amritsar is a very unfortunate incident. It raises a question mark on law and order in Punjab" he tweeted.