Mumbai: A case has been registered against actress Kangana Ranaut at Khar police station in Mumbai on Monday for making derogatory remarks about the Sikh community. A delegation led by Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader and Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) president Manjinder Singh Sirsa had lodged the complaint. The management of Sikh Gurdwara Delhi expressed displeasure over Kangana's Instagram post about the language and ideas used for Sikhs.
Kangana has described the farmers' movement in the post as a Khalistani movement. A Sikh organization lodged a complaint seeking registration of an FIR against Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut.
Kangana has been accused of using abusive language against the Sikh community in her social media posts. A Khar police official said a complaint had been received from the DSGMC and was being investigated.
On her Facebook and Instagram posts on November 20, she wrote, "Let us not forget one woman...the only woman prime minister who crushed dissent with all might at the cost of her own life. But the nation did not fall apart. With the rise of Khalistani movement, her story is more relevant than ever. She should be the role model for PM Modi."
Also Read: Kangana Ranaut's fresh salvo, country needs a PM like Indira Gandhi