Udaipur: A teacher allegedly slammed the head of a 14-year-old student for answering a question out of turn in Rajasthan's Udaipur on Thursday. This comes days after one Dalit student in Rajasthan's Jalore was thrashed by a teacher and later died.
According to police, the incident happened in a private school in the Hiranmagri police station area of Udaipur. When the victim answered a question not directed at him, the infuriated teacher slammed his head on the table. The student lost his front teeth in the attack.
A case has been registered by the family members of the student. According to the police, the father of the victim in his complaint said, "When Hindi teacher Kamlesh Vaishnav asked a question to another student, Samyak (victim) answered it, which irked the teacher, after which he slammed the student's head on the table, breaking the front teeth." (With agency inputs)