Chandigarh: The Chandigarh Municipal Corporation on Friday slapped a fine of Rs 29,390 on new Punjab Congress chief, Amarinder Singh Raja Warring, for allegedly putting up posters and banners in the city illegally, without permission.
Officials said that a notice was sent by the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation with a challan of Rs 29,390 to Warring, even when he was officially taking oath as the new Congress chief at the party’s office, Congress Bhawan, in Sector 15 on Friday morning. The Municipal Corporation also ordered him to deposit the amount of the fine within 10 days.
As per officials, Congress put up posters and banners in the middle of the road and at two intersections for the event. In the morning, someone had lodged a complaint with the Municipal Corporation on a mobile phone, after which the posters and banners were confiscated by the anti-encroachment wing of the corporation.
Putting up posters is regulated in Chandigarh under the Advertisement Control Act. No one is allowed to put up banners and posters, without permission, under the said Act, said officials.
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