Kota: A teenage female National Handball Player from Punjab left her hostel in Amritsar after being upset due to ragging and was later caught by the Railway Protection Force personnel in Kota Rajasthan while boarding a train for Mumbai. It is said that the 16-year-old player was detained by RPF personnel at Ramganjmandi and presented before the Child Welfare Committee.
Later, the girl was given a temporary shelter, in Kota's Nanta Girls Home. Arun Bhargava, a member of the Child Welfare Committee, said that the girl is studying in the hostel of Women Khalsa College, Amritsar, and was fed up with the ragging by her seniors so much so that she decided to leave the college. She alleged that the seniors made a false complaint to the hostel warden and the principal due to which she was afraid that she would be thrown out of the hostel.
On Tuesday, she was noticed by a passenger at Ramganjmandi railway station who found the matter suspicious and contacted the RPF Kota. The girl said that her father is a farmer and she has five siblings. On the information by RPF, the girl's father is also coming to Kota to take her home.