Hyderabad: "Our aim is to bring the BJP government to power in Telangana," asserted BJP in-charge of Madhya Pradesh P Muralidhar Rao. He was addressing the activists from Bihar and Jharkhand, who are staying in Telangana, at a meeting convened in Gajularamaram on the outskirts of Hyderabad on Friday. Union Home Minister Nithyananda Roy, Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Renu Devi, former Union Minister and BJP National Vice-President Radha Mohan Singh and actor and MP Manoj Tiwari and others were present at the meeting.
Read: KCR is insecure about rise of BJP in Telangana, says BJP's DK Aruna
Muralidhar Rao said that the KCR family is ruling Telangana and the people of the state are ready to end the family rule. Attracted by the development work done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the people in Telangana are ready to bring the BJP to power, he pointed out. He said that national leaders will go to every constituency in the state for two days and make people aware of BJP's rule at the Centre and work hard to bring the BJP to power in the State. He said that the main purpose of this gathering is to strengthen the BJP in Telangana by sensitising the people about the corruption of the State government.