Erode (TN): Authorities from two private infertility cure hospitals in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, and in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, appeared before the investigation officer on Saturday in connection with a case of a minor girl who was forced to donate her ovum (eggs), police said. Based on the summons sent to the two hospitals by Erode Additional Superintendent of Police Kanageswari, the investigating officer, the authorities appeared before her.
The police said through the private hospital in Hosur, the girl was taken to a hospital in Tirupati, where her eggs were collected. The police said the authorities of two hospitals cooperated with the law enforcement officials by presenting proper details to them. Meanwhile, the police also issued summons to a private infertility cure hospital in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Police said a private hospital in Perundurai in Erode district collected eggs from the girl, who often visited the hospital along with her mother and three others. The hospital, which has contact with the Thiruvananthapuram private hospital, made recommendations about the girl, took her there and collected the eggs, police said.
The police have asked the hospital authority to appear before them with details of the collection of eggs from the girl with proper documents.
An infertility cure hospital authorities in the district associated with the case appeared before the investigation officer on Friday for enquiry, police said. The investigation officials verified the date, time and other details like how many the hospital authorities collected eggs from the girl, police said. According to the police, the matter came to light after the girl escaped from the trio (mother, her paramour and the broker) and narrated the ordeal to her relatives in Salem. Subsequently, a complaint was lodged with the police. (PTI)