Bhubaneswar: A woman duped a software engineer of Rs 24 lakh in Bhubaneswar on a matrimonial site. The victim hailing from the Jatni area has lodged a complaint with the Cyber Police Station in Bhubaneswar. He alleged that on the website, a woman posed herself as an Odia girl from Balasore pursuing a medical course in California.
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She introduced herself as Priya Gupta and asked the youth to help her release GBP worth Rs 70,000, stuck at the Delhi airport. With the help of a fake identity and false promises over a period of six months, the woman managed to get Rs 24 lakh from the youth and then went incommunicado, the complaint said. Police said that they have registered a case based on the complaint filed by the software engineer and an investigation in this connection has been started.