Kanpur: An advocate in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur has alleged that “objectionable” pictures of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat besides Hindu deities have been posted on social media while demanding action against the person, who posted the pictures. The advocate, Anirudh Jaiswal, approached the Juhi police station in Kanpur stating that a Facebook user Vijender Kumar Yadav has posted objectionable pictures of Hindu Gods and Goddesses, along with Prime Minister Modi and RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat.
He said there is a lot of resentment among people as the pictures went viral. Jaiswal alleged that the police neither took cognizance of the said case nor registered an FIR. He said he spoke to Juhi Inspector, who told him to wait for an hour. The Kanpur Commissioner has also not taken any action in the case due to which BJP workers are very angry, Jaiswal said.