Patna: For the second time, Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday tested corona positive and is currently under isolation on the advice of doctors. For the past few days, Nitish Kumar was not well and that was the reason a meeting related to MNREGA was cancelled on Monday.
The official press note from the CM house confirmed that Nitish has tested corona positive.
"Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has tested corona positive. For the past two to three days, he was not feeling well after which his corona test was carried out. He was found positive in the test. He has been kept under home isolation and doctors have advised him to take rest. CM has also appealed for a corona test to those people who have come under this contact in the last two to three days,” the official press note of CM house stated.
In January 2022, Nitish was found corona positive and at that time also he was kept in home isolation. That time It was not only CM but there was an outbreak of corona when more than 50 officials including security guards tested corona positive at CM's house.
On Monday there was too much politics on Nitish skipping the oath-taking ceremony of newly elected president Draupadi Murmur. Many leaders of RJD had taken a jibe at Nitish claiming that all is not well within the NDA due to which Nitish did not attend the oath-taking ceremony.
However, it was not intentionally but on health grounds, Nitish had to skip the programme in the national capital attended by top leaders of the country including PM Narendra Modi.
Every day, fresh cases of covid-19 are coming in the state capital with two deaths in the last four days. The deadly virus has claimed thousands of lives in Bihar and so far the total death toll has gone up to 12, 279. Patna has a maximum number of active cases of over 1100 and altogether 1800 active cases in Bihar.
Many JDU leaders have prayed for the speedy recovery of chief minister Nitish Kumar.