New Delhi: The National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) is set to organise the second National Lok Adalat of the year on July 10. The second National Lok Adalat of this year will be organised under the guidance of NALSA Executive Chairman, Justice UU Lalit. Over the course of this year, two more National Lok Adalats will be organised on September 11 and December 11, NALSA said. In wake of the pandemic, the upcoming Adalat will be organised through virtual and hybrid mode after the observance of Covid protocols of respective States. National Lok Adalat will be held on July 10 in 33 State Legal Services Authorities (SLSAs) /High Court State Legal Services Authorities Committees (HCLSCs). Kerala has preponed the National Lok Adalat to July 9.
In addition, three SLSAs have postponed the National Lok Adalat namely Maharashtra which will hold the National Lok Adalat on August 1, Dadra & Nagar Haveli on August 18 and Karnataka on August 14. The First National Lok Adalat of this year was organised on April10 in 22 states and UTs where over 9.7 lakh cases were taken up out of which 2.3 lakh cases were pre-litigation cases and more than 7.3 lakh cases were pending cases. More than 4.8 lakh cases were disposed of wherein cases worth of over Rs 2440 crore were settled.
A preparatory national-level webinar was organised by the National Legal Services Authority on "National Lok Adalat: Challenges and way forward" which was conceptualised with the aim to sensitize all the Chairpersons and Secretaries of District Legal Services Authorities in order to ensure the smooth and proper functioning of the upcoming National Lok Adalat. All Executive Chairpersons of State Legal Services Authorities, Chairpersons of High Court Legal Services Committees and Member Secretaries of SLSAs and Chairpersons and Secretaries, DLSAs and Judicial Officers attended the webinar.
In the said webinar, Justice U.U. Lalit emphasized on the preparatory exercises to be taken up by all Legal Services Authorities for efficiently conducting the upcoming National Lok Adalat and deliberated on the preparations and strategies for the National Lok Adalat, Standard Operating Procedures, meetings and interactions with all stakeholders prior to the Lok Adalat, ensuring cooperation between all stakeholders, optimum utilisation of resources, and publicity through mass media. Justice U.U. Lalit stated that "Legal Services Authorities should try and have pre-Lok Adalat sittings with all stakeholders including private parties, respective advocates, representatives of insurance companies, and representatives of the government to ensure smooth functioning of the National Lok Adalat proceedings."