Indore: An Indigo flight was delayed after a woman passenger created a ruckus with the staff at Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Airport in Indore in Madhya Pradesh. Indigo flight number 6e6013 from the airport was to leave Indore for Delhi. But a woman created a nuisance just before the flight was about to take off, thereby halting the flight. A passenger onboard said that the woman's daughter had some 'mental-health related issues.'
The woman had heated arguments with the crew. After the matter was sorted, the flight left from Indore for Delhi after 40 minutes. Passengers also appeared upset during the incident.
This is not the first case when passengers have created a ruckus as such incidents have come to the fore at Indore airport in the past as well. At the airport, a female passenger created a ruckus at the counter of Indigo Airlines under the influence of alcohol. The airlines stopped the woman from traveling.
Also read: Indigo flight's tyre bursts while landing in Hubballi, passengers safe